

imagesWhen I was in high school preparing for my final exam my grandfather told me that “Moleta ngwedi ke moleta lefifi” (Those who wait upon the moon might not see it -direct English translation). I did not understand the message behind the statement but I had an idea of what he was trying to say. The first thing that came to my mind then was maybe his waiting for the moon to come out since we were staying in rural areas, little did I know that those words were filled with wisdom. It was after a year when I decided to ask him his definition of the statement. He explained that, “The statement is actually a Tswana Proverb for lazy people who procrastinate”.
My grandfather knew and understood then, that just like any other kid in our block I had dreams. I wanted to drive an expensive car, stay in a big house and become a doctor. He wanted to make me aware that seating back and dreaming about my perfect life, making noise on how I am going to be a doctor without taking any initiative like studying hard will never help me reach my goals. His statement helped me push hard on my studies, have the desire to go an extra mile into preparing myself for the day my moon brightens up. My moon arrived and I was excited because I managed to pass all my subjects at the end of the year.
images (1)The message that I am trying to share with anyone reading this; is that there are so many people like myself who keep postponing things or maybe waiting for the right time to start something new in their life, people who want to be pushed to their goals. I hope you can learn something from my granddad’s statement and start doing things now! Have a sense of urgency. Never wait for things that you don’t even have the guarantee that they might come to pass or not or wait for people that you don’t even know they will come and help you or not. Live with a Nike slogan, JUST DO IT. “A living dog is better than a dead lion”. Start pursuing your dream NOW, start planting your seed, start making a way for the things you passionate about, there has never had been a better time to start something like now.
Those who love what they do and pursue it succeed not because things are easy but because they chose not to sit around doing nothing but investing their time in something they believed in. We live in a time when everyone has a dream but few achieve them and the answer to your “why question” is because they choose not to throw in the towel but wipe away the sweat with it. It’s the choices we make every minute of our lives that determine our future. Make up your mind to be like a pregnant woman, pay attention to the things you feeding your unborn baby (dreams, vision), exercise, plan for the arrival of the baby most importantly hang around people who will appreciate your unborn child. Don’t be afraid to ask, every question is important. Success follows people who are passionate, patient and willing to work hard.
Keep pushing….You almost there….PUSH-A-PASSION!

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