What we do

who we are icon

The Adopt-a-learner Trust is not a bursary scheme so we do not publish advertisements for people to submit applications. It is a support program for students who are financially needy, some of whom did not obtain results that are outstanding enough to earn them a bursary. We offer financial and academic support to students from when they are still at high school. We only assist students who attend township or rural schools or passed their Grade 12 at a township or rural school. They also have to be living in a township or rural area. Our aim is to reach learners with potential and passion but no financial means to access resourced schools. Our view is that with potential and passion anyone can achieve success despite their socio-economic background.

The objectives of the trust are to:

  • provide financial assistance and mentorship to deserving learners and students in township or rural areas;
  • recruit individuals who are sympathetic to the aims and objectives of the Trust to support and adopt learners identified by the Trust;
  • link its efforts with any other organisation sharing similar objectives; and
  • advance any other object of an educational nature as decided by the Trustees from time to time.

 Potential + Passion = Success.